Number 1 In Top 10 Crater Made By Asteroid

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A, Meteors are rocks in the space which the earth passes as it travels around the sun.
        1. These rocks may be tiny grains of sand or they may be very large.
       2. Some meteors are metallic and have iron and nickel in them.
       3.  Other meteors are stony and have silicates in them.
 B, Billions of meteors enter the earth's atmosphere each year, traveling about 160,000 kilometers (100,000 mi) an hour.
 C, About 80 kilometers (50 mi) above the earth the friction of the air rubbing against the meteors makes them white. Hot, and they begin to burn.
       1. 'The burning meteors make a bright streak of light as they travel through the air.
       2. These bright streaks are called “shooting stars".
D, most meteors burn up before they reach the earth's surface.
 E, those meteors that strike the earth’s surface before they burn up are called meteorites.
 F, if meteorites are large enough, they can form a large crater when they strike the earth.
       1.  It Meteor Crater in Arizona and Chubb Crater in Canada were probably made by meteorites.
       2. One meteor, weighing about 55,000 kilogram (60 Tons), has been found in Africa and is still in the original spot where it struck the earth.
       3. Another meteor, weighing about 32,000 kilograms (35 tons), is in the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, and was found by Admiral Peary in Greenland in 1894.
 C, the meteors that reach Earth seem to come from two different sources.
       1. Most of them are probably small bits of rocks, like those in the belt of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter that are traveling through space.
       2. Some also seem to come from comets because swarms of meteors called meteor showers are seen every time the earth crosses the path of a comet.


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